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Great 7".. and I will still admit to liking this band today :p TRACKLIST: 01 Get It Right 3:01 02 Hey Joe 2:31 03 Baghdad 3:11 04 The Blurb 1:41 Ü Ü Û Û ßÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜß ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÜÜ ÜÜ ³Û ß .:. Rz3/rH Manifesto .:. ß Û³ ³Û Û³ ³Û Here's some words that might help you to understand Û³ ³Û in what I belive. I'm brazilian, luckily I was Û³ ³Û born in a family that could provide me goods enough Û³ ³Û to live well. Some people are not that lucky, around Û³ ³Û the world there are millions of people who suffer Û³ ³Û every single day, most of them don't have money to Û³ ³Û pay for education and contribute to the society, Û³ ³Û and that's not even bad, some people don't even have Û³ ³Û what to eat. Most of people think "hah, I'm not one Û³ ³Û of them, so I don't give a shit" I used to think Û³ ³Û that way too, and I also thought there was nothing Û³ ³Û that I could do, but I was wrong. I'm not talking Û³ ³Û about solidariety here, solidariety will NEVER solve Û³ ³Û this situation at this point. The problem that we Û³ ³Û are submited to live in a world where exploiting Û³ ³Û people is the only way to survive, that's what they Û³ ³Û call capitalism, the biggest bullshit mankind has Û³ ³Û ever created. If we can live in a world where people Û³ ³Û can live togheter in more equal conditions where Û³ ³Û everyone will be able to contribute to the society, Û³ ³Û why do we live this way ? Simple, it's just because Û³ ³Û some assholes like to feel that they are better than Û³ ³Û someone else, and a few of capitalism consequences Û³ ³Û are getting people stressed up, humiliating other human Û³ ³Û beings and exploiting them. I'm not saying there is such Û³ ³Û thing as a perfect mode for living, but I just can't Û³ ³Û stand watching people been exploited without doing Û³ ³Û something about it. US citizens hardly understand what Û³ ³Û I am talking about, because anyone that borns there Û³ ³Û can actually live, I mean, a corporation like McDonalds Û³ ³Û pays at least US$ 5/hour over there, and here they pay us Û³ ³Û US$ 0,40/hour. Is it discrimination ? Are our people Û³ ³Û dumber than the ones in US ? I don't think so. Û³ ³Û I think capitalism is a disrespect to life, for someone Û³ ³Û been treated like garbage in this fucked up world. Û³ ³Û I do not follow an ideology, but I just can't accept Û³ ³Û this capitalist society where some people are treated Û³ ³Û like garbage without having a chance to suceed in life, Û³ ³Û it's just not human. By now, you're probably thinking Û³ ³Û "and what the fuck can I do about it ?" Û³ ³Û You, my friend, have done enough by reading this, Û³ ³Û hopefully, when we get all people conscious of what Û³ ³Û is going on, things will be naturally changed. Û³ ³Û Û³ ³Û PS: Call me dreamer, but if you want a revolution Û³ ³Û start with yourself. Û³ ³Û Û³ ³Û * Sorry for my bad english Û³ ³Û Û³ ³Û - Rz3 (the stupid ugly brasilian monkey) Û³ ³Û Û³ ³Û "poser bands, they make us forget what punk is about" Û³ ³Û Û³ ³Û .:. Group Information .:. Û³ ³Û Û³ ³Û rH was founded in June 26th of 1999. We're still going Û³ ³Û strong. rH stands for R.I.P. HOP (the purpose of this Û³ ³Û name is to call attention that here bands produced by the Û³ ³Û media, like hiphop bands, and specially morons like Ricky Û³ ³Û Martin and NSYNC have no place in rH.) Û³ ³Û We are innovative in so many ways, we are the first Û³ ³Û group who released only with restricted genre and possibly Û³ ³Û the only group with lifetime membership. We don't care Û³ ³Û if you can't afford buying cd's anymore, or if you have Û³ ³Û to take care of your personal life, once you helped us, Û³ ³Û you will be with in rH forever, unless you decide to Û³ ³Û go to another group or you did some bad things to us ;P Û³ ³Û Also, we do not force our rippers to rip a quantity of Û³ ³Û cd's, we let them rip when they feel like it. No one Û³ ³Û is a slave in rH, just don't try to take advantage of Û³ ³Û of my friendly ideology =) Û³ ³Û Û³ ³Û PS: No ego or stress is admited in rH, if you think that Û³ ³Û you are the best, go to EGO or something. Û³ ³Û Ü Ü Û³ ßß ßß ÜÜ ÜÜ ³Û ß R.I.P.HOP MEMBERS ß Û³ ³Û Û³ ³Û ......................FOUNDER...................... Û³ ³Û :........................Rz3........................: Û³ ³Û :...................................................: Û³ ³Û ....................COORDiNATORS................... Û³ ³Û :...............:.F3L1P3.:.sdl.:.Rz3.:..............: Û³ ³Û :...................................................: Û³ ³Û .....................SENiORS....................... Û³ ³Û :JDM.:.Myk.:.NcroSanct.bodyjar.:.Ensign2.:.X-ploited: Û³ ³Û :..................:..Adamb0mb..:...................: Û³ ³Û Û³ ³Û ......................rH.CREW...................... Û³ ³Û :..Aes_Sedai..:..Farnyarn..:..Knotapunk.:..chadamir.: Û³ ³Û :...................................................: Û³ ³Û :..fboy.:..MeS..:..rectifyer..:..kUrIx..:..ragger...: Û³ ³Û :...................................................: Û³ ³Û :.Pestpunk.:.punkmac.:.Punknoia..:.serjec..:..snx...: Û³ ³Û :...................................................: Û³ ³Û :.Soulvan..:..Eyesore..:..Tengil..:..worp..:..ZaCa..: Û³ ³Û :...................................................: Û³ ³Û :.S|hado|W..:...ReDiVaL...:...RayCappo...:..aydog...: Û³ ³Û :...................................................: Û³ ³Û :.No_Motiv.:..pIst0lS..:..pdub..:...zf..:.sudiphed..: Û³ ³Û :...................................................: Û³ ³Û :..blom.:..XodoX..:..rb..:..Judge`..:..xzoleex..:...: Û³ ³Û :...................................................: Û³ ³Û :....anarko...:..Assjob..:..sikor_sxe..:..prime8....: Û³ ³Û :...................................................: Û³ ³Û :..........duckfetus..:..flagg..:..slowcore.........: Û³ ³Û ................................................... Û³ ³Û Û³ ³Û .................Retired.Brothers.................. Û³ ³Û :..QuikAg..:..ReBeL..:..NancyApe..:..sdl??.:D..:....: Û³ ³Û Û³ ³Û Ü Ü Û³ ßß ßß ÜÜ ÜÜ ³Û ß RIPHOP AFFILIATED SITES ß Û³ ³Û Û³ ³Û WANTED!............World-HQ.........XXGigs...x45+MBiT..rH WHQ Û³ ³Û WANTED!............Asian-HQ.........XXGigs...x10+MBiT..rH AsHQ Û³ ³Û WANTED!............African-HQ.......XXGigs...x10+MBiT..rH AfHQ Û³ ³Û WANTED!............Japanese-HQ......XXGigs...x45+MBiT..rH JHQ Û³ ³Û WANTED!............Russian-HQ.......XXGigs...x10+MBiT..rH RuHQ Û³ ³Û WANTED!............Portuguese-HQ....XXGigs...x10+MBiT..rH PtHQ Û³ ³Û WANTED!............Brasilian-HQ.....XXGigs...x10+MBiT..rH BrHQ Û³ ³Û WANTED!............Swedish-HQ.......XXGigs...x10+MBiT..rH SHQ Û³ ³Û WANTED!............Finnish-HQ.......XXGigs...x10+MBiT..rH FHQ Û³ ³Û WANTED!............German-HQ........XXGigs...x10+MBiT..rH GHQ Û³ ³Û WANTED!............Courier-HQ.......XXGigs...x45+MBiT..rH CHQ Û³ ³Û WANTED!............Private.Site.....XXGigs...x10+MBiT..rH HQ Û³ ³Û Û³ ³Û Ü Ü Û³ ßß ßß ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÜßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßÜ Û Û ß GROUP NEWS ß Well the year 2001 is finnally upon us and we had a geat year last year, with more than 1,300 releases in the year 2000. Great job Riphop!!!. Welcome to all new members of Riphop. We hope you stay with Riphop for along time and wish you good luck in the future. rHViD is alive and operating, we are mostly releasing bootleg shows and punk/hardcore video clips. If you have a videoclip site you might want to contact us. Support small bands and independent labels, usually when we release something small we put their contact information, so if you like them CONTACT THEM and SUPPORT EM, renember that those guys are not on big labels like FAT and they need to be supported. APPLY NOW! We are currently looking for ... Ftp Sites (T1+) ... Rippers of Crust and Political stuff, doesn't matter the language. From African languages to chinese, we take it all. ... XDCC Shells (T1+/200Mb+) !!!!!! ... Legit Credit Card Suppliers ... Legit Calling Card Suppliers ... Hardware Suppliers ... PUB SITE COURIERS ! ... More Ftp Sites ! ... Siteops ! ... Video Clip Siteops ! ... Linux guru's ... Pre-rippers with no ego or stress * ALL rH SITES GET rH PRES. * * WE SUPPORT OUR SITES * - g r e e t i n g s - EaStCiDSk - rocksolid - capslock tricky - irata (good luck) - you ! aodmp3 - ksi - amrc - ube - trbmp3 its - atr - ss - end - 1real - imagine - g r e e t i n g s - CONTACT US EMAIL: punks@ig.com.br IRC:#rH (EFNET) http://www.riphop.net Ü Ü Û Û ßÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜß ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ³ LAST UPDATED 01/22/2k1 ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ "Fight for what you belive"